Health Matters Statement
The Royal Academy of Dance developed the Silver Swans initiative for older learners to improve mobility, posture, co-ordination and boost confidence levels.
From experienced dancers to those that don’t know their plie from their pointe, older learners of any ability can enjoy Silver Swans classes.
As with any form of physical exercise, you are taking part at your own risk, and should only do those movements that you consider safe for your own body.
It is important that you understand any existing conditions you may have that may preclude you from doing any of the exercises. If in doubt, please consult a medical expert before participating.
During class, if something hurts, stop immediately. The exercises should not cause pain or discomfort. Each body is different, and you should work within your limitations. Please take things at your own pace and feel free to modify exercises so that they do not push the extremes of your capabilities. Please inform me before class of any injuries.
As our classes are currently taking place online, it is important to stress that I may not be able to provide individual corrections, as I only have a small image of you on my screen. Instead, I offer thorough explanations to the whole group before each exercise and general guidance throughout.